Thuder Over Louisville enchanted 800,000 people last night. There's great coverage in the online edition of the Courier-Journal today. Louis Waterman, President of the Kenctucky Chapter of the AAML is on the Board of Directors of the Derby Festival Committee and after chairing the Pegasus Parade, Thunder is now the focus of his attention. While everyone missed his absence during most of our seminar and social events, the national Executive Committee of the AAML who watched the festivities from Steve Kreigshaber's office will now surely understand. That's the divorce law connection.
Musing, I also think there's a blogging connection. At lunch last week, the Goddess expressed her fear that the public perception of bloggers is that they are people with too much time on their hands. While I retorted that if you want something done, ask a busy person, I have been thinking about her comment. Many of us want to make a difference. Most of us will never touch 800,000 lives as Louis Waterman has, but the best of the best will try and aren't afraid of change or doing something new. There is room for creativity in life and there is room for creativity in how we improve the legal profession. One can only touch so many lives case-by-case. While the practice of law is a great joy, mentoring and shaping the law is also a fine way to protect the family and improve the practice, which is the purpose of the AAML.