Indiana authorities made a tragic decision in failing to promptly issue an Amber Alert for the abduction of Collin Walker who had been abducted by his father at gun point. According to an Associated Press article in the Courier Journal, Indiana does not allow Amber Alerts when a child custody case is pending. No one will know whether an Amber Alert would have prevented Collin's murder, but this policy should be immediately changed.
Many children who are kidnapped are abducted by a parent. Just as we know domestic violence is likely to escalate at the time of separation or divorce, it is common sense that children would be more vulnerable to abduction by a parent during the pendency of a divorce or custody proceeding.
The Amber alert system appears to be very successful in locating abducted children when it is initiated quickly. When a child remains missing resources which may be helpful to attorneys include the ABA Center on Children and the Law publications, The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, The U.S. Department of State, and Hilton House.