Before we had a Family Court in Jefferson County Kentucky, while Judge Ellen Ewing was Chief Circuit Court Judge, airport style screening was adopted at the courthouse. I remember thinking how fortunate we were for her foresight to push for such expensive screening before a catastrophe occurred. Most administrators won't stick out their necks for the big bucks until someone is dead. The new Judicial Center was built with even better security in mind. As the details of the Nevada shooting are still unraveling it is not clear what security was in place to protect the judge. Check here for updates on that tragedy. Disputes in court are predictably volatile. We must fund state-of-the art security for our judiciary.
Update: If there is any doubt how much passion and venom against family court judges is out there, and how serious the risk is to judicial safety, check out Art of Divorce and it's story Shot Reno Family Law Judge Accused Of God Complex which links to an AP story in Las Vegas Sun.