The American Lawyer on the Web has a great article which we have linked. " The most compelling, cutting-edge, honest legal writing being produced in this country today is happening on the Internet, and the crop improves daily. From the fistful of judges (including Richard Posner) who maintain regular blogs, to the vast and growing number of law professors and law students who find the time to post daily, it's clear that the real bones and guts and sinew of the national conversation is happening online, and not in print."
The past: "Some legal writers have simply internalized the canonical rules of legal writing in general: Separate fact from opinion. Respect authority. Sedate is good, but boring is better."
The present: "Even better, law professors, who can be exceedingly cautious in print, sometimes become slightly drunk on the Internet's thin air. Whereas legal thinkers once limited their most serious scholarship to law review articles, occasionally nipping out into the dangerous world to write an op-ed, now many of them offer off-the-cuff observations about everything from partial birth abortion bans to their favorite CDs, several times daily. The blogosphere thrives precisely because it exists at the interstices of the ivory tower and pop culture. As a result, it's the most fertile ground for cutting-edge law talk."
I am eager to drop all those very costly and oh, so very sedate, legal subscipritons. RSS feed and a good online legal database is all I want to have. (Caution will delay eliminating Westlaw and all the treatises to which we subscibe, but there is hope!) Check out the entire article; you'll get an idea why we bother to blog and read blawgs.