The High Conflict Pilot Project, about which we posted in April here, has revised its criteria. Initially there was to be a control group that received lesser services. Now, all families accepted into the program will receive the full benefit of all counseling services. They are accepting families that:
(1) Have a divorce action pending, pre or post decree;
(2) Have at least one child between the ages of 18 months and eleven years old;
(3) Have filed two or more motions related to custody or visitation;
(4) Are parties to a Jefferson Family Court Case in which parties live within driving distance
of Jefferson Family Court; and
(5) Have outstanding issues that revolve around custody and visitation issues.
They cannot accept cases where there is:
(1) Active domestic violence order;
(2) Extensive criminal record indicating severe domestic violence;
(3) Active child protective services case;
(4) A parent coordinator is present; or
(5) A record of children not in the parent’s custody.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How would I know if a family is eligible for the project?
A: Parents are eligible if they have: (1) a divorce case, pre or post decree, (2) have at
least one child between the ages of 18 months and eleven years, (3) case must be from Jefferson County Family Court, (4) all members who reside within driving distance of Jefferson County, KY, (5) if parents have filed two or more motions related to custody or visitation, and (6) have outstanding issues that revolve around custody and visitation issues.
Q. Can I refer a family if they have children younger than 18 months or older than eleven?
A. No, a family can only be eligible for the project if they have a child between the ages of 18 months and eleven years.
Q. Can attorneys refer families or must they be referred by a judge?
A. Both attorneys and judges can refer cases. Once a judge or attorney identifies a case that meets the eligibility criteria, he or she should contact Mary Lou Cambron at 595-4787 with full names of the parents as well as the case number. Ms. Cambron will screen the case and determine if it is eligible.
Q. What if I have parents that meet the first four criteria but are dealing only with property or child support?
A. These parents would not be eligible for the project. Only parents that are dealing with custody and visitation issues are eligible.
Q. What if I have a family with an active Domestic Violence Order, extensive criminal record indicating domestic violence, an active Child Protective Services Case, the presence of a Parent Coordinator, substance abuse, personality disorders, or the children are not in the parent’s custody?
A. Families are excluded from participation if they meet one of these conditions.
Q. What happens after the judge agrees to order the case into the project?
A. Mary Lou Cambron will screen the case to determine eligibility. If the case is eligible, then the judge will sign an order for parties to contact UL for assessment.
Q. Why wouldn’t I refer the family to mediation?
A. Families should have already attended mediation once on other motions.
Q. What if I have a family that cannot afford the costs?
A. If the parties qualify, a sliding scale will be used to determine the reduced fee. No family will be refused services because of their income.
For more information or to refer a family to the PACT Program, please contact Mary Lou Cambron at (502)595-4787.