Life happens so quickly, it is seeming archaic to make resolutions for an entire year only once. Old habits are hard to break, so I plod on cementing goals for this year. As I am firming them, though, I do think I will add as a goal more frequent introspection, reassessment, and action planning. Adding the pleasant ritual to more frequent resolutions will be the challenge.
I have been looking at how others are approaching resolutions, and stumbled upon The Blawgosphere Offers Its New Year Resolutions by Bill Gratsch. OMG. He's quoting and linking to me, and I don't even know who he is! Query: Shall I read more or write more? In this blawgosphere, my contacts are quality and I have been enormously enriched by the ones I have made. The zest for getting to know more (particularly those who like what I write) is almost irresistible.
Many years ago it was with much delight that I introduced new neighbors to each other. Upon inviting one who had become a dear friend to some new gathering, he said, "No. Diana, I have enough friends. I don't need any more friends." (Shocking words to me.) And so it was that he kept and nurtured the friends he already had and does so to this day, adding one or two only as ones go astray because of death or some unpreventable obstacle. I have teased him endlessly about this comment, but had he added more friends than he could nurture to his inner circle, the depth of those friendships may have been less. Ours included, an unimaginable thought.
So, I am now pondering how broadly to cast the net: how much in time and energy to devote to those I already know, those I already love, and those I would like to know. How much time can I allot to those I don't even know I'd like to know, like those who read, quote, and like what I have to say. Maybe it's simply a matter of separating me from what I write.
A corollary theme is the object for writing the blog. It is the passion for and the discussion of the law. It was never intended as a vehicle to make friends, or even business acquaintances. The fact that fascinating people have come into my email box is a happy coincidence, and that some have become friends is great good luck. Another part of how life just happens.
This month long thinking really is a process, and one I enjoy even if I suspect it is becoming obsolete.
So, I'll keep plodding with the thinking and planning, yet be very grateful for and open to the serendipity.