Jeanne Hannah at Updates In Michigan Family Law has written more on this topic than anyone in the blawgospehere:
Parentage Issues: Here We Go Again!
Why We Need a Federal Putative Father Registry
Acknowledgments of Parentage: Can They Protect Parent-Child Relationships?
Barnes v Jeudevine: How to Deprive a Child of a Father
Can a putative father protect his parental rights by filing a Notice of Intent?
How can a man protect his paternity rights if the mother wants to place the child for adoption?
Another Look at Paternity Issues: This time Boyfriend has Standing to Sue
What Rights Does an Unwed Biological Father Have When a Mother Wants to Give up a Child for Adoption?
What are the Rights of a Biological Father if the Mother is Married to Another Man?
These posts are also collected on Jeanne's website.
Like Michigan, Kentucky has not adopted the Uniform Parentage Act.
Aren't you glad The Kentucky Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers in hosting its 10th annual seminar April 19-April 20, 2007 in Louisville? Highlighting the roster is Prof. Mary M. Beck, Missouri University Law School presenting "Fathers' Registries - Why Every State Needs One" and "Putative Fathers or Pop Up Pops." This one will sell out quickly. Check back mid-February for an online brochure to register.