Having dedicated family courts has increased the number of lawyers who are proficient in the substantive areas of family law. However, as more cases are successfully mediated and fewer family law attorneys acquire trial skills before juries it is more difficult for family lawyers to develop litigation expertise. That fact makes the new Domestic Law Section of the Kentucky Academy of Trial Attorneys (soon to be Kentucky Justice Association) a welcome and timely addition to our professional development opportunities.
The current officers are:
Section Chair: Nancy Collins, Hazard
Vice-Chair: Jennifer McVay Martin, Lexington
Secretary: Allen Dodd, Louisville
Committee chairs are:
Membership: Jennifer McVay Martin and Allen Dodd
Legislative: Michael Grabhorn, Louisville
Education: Hon. Elise Spainhour, Shepherdsville
Amicus: John Spainhour, Shepherdsville
Section dues are only $25 and KATA dues vary based on number of years in practice.
Mary Volkerding, Membership Director advises that committee membership remains open and describes these benefits of membership:
Member only listserv.
Quarterly e-newletters with timely and practical information pertaining to domestic law.
State wide networking with other Section members through meetings, CLE seminars and seminar break outs.
Referrals from other trial lawyers.
Increased name recognition.
Identification as a Section member in the KATA Membership Directory and Desk Reference.
Writing opportunities in regular Advocate column.
Political Representation for those that serve to represent families in Kentucky’s courts.
Identification of pro-child and pro-family legislators.
KATA’s history of victim advocacy.
Strengthen professional relationships and increase the quality of representation and conduct in the courtroom.
To that I add the enormous general litigation CLE offered by KATA. To join the Domestic Law section, contact Mary Volkerding at [email protected] or sign up online at www.kata.org.