Here is the seminar schedule. Short speker bios are at the end.
Mastering the Tough Issues: Child Custody,
Divorce Taxation, QDROs, and Preparing for the Difficult Mediation
Thursday, April 17, 2008
8:00 a.m. Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Jonathan W. Gould, PhD, Charlotte, NC and Lynne Z. Gold-Bikin, Norristown,
Mastering Child Custody Evaluations
Conducting Scientifically Crafted Child Custody Evaluations
Use of Psychological Tests
Deconstructing the Evaluation Report
How to Cross Examine an Expert’s Custody Evaluation
(Break 10:30-10:45)
12:00 p.m. - Lunch with the Psychologists and Judges. Family Court Judge of the Year Award and Raising the Bar Award will be presented
1:00 p.m. Mastering Child Custody Evaluations
Dr. Gould and Ms. Gold-Bikin, continued:
Clinicians In Court: A Guide to Subpoenas, Depositions, Testifying and Everything Else the Expert Needs to Know
A Call for Clinical Humility and Judicial Diligence
Is the Child’s Therapist Part of the Problem? What Attorneys, Judges and
Mental Health Professionals Need to Know About Court Ordered Treatment
for Children
(Break 3:00-3:15)
3:15 p.m. Panel of Child Custody Evaluators “Top Ten Tips for Family Law Practitioners
and Judges”
4:15 p.m. Lynn Gold-Bikin, “Ethical Issues in Child Custody Cases”
Steven Kriegshaber, “AAML and ABA Ethical Guidelines and Authorities for
Guardians Ad Litem in Custody and Access Disputes”
5:15 p.m. - Cocktails
Friday, April 18, 2008
8:00 a.m. Continental Breakfast
8:30 a.m. Gary L. Nickelson, “How to Prepare for the Difficult Mediation”
9:30 a.m. - Melvin Frumkes, Miami, FL, “Divorce Taxation”
10:30 a.m.
10:30 a.m. - Break
10:45 a.m.
10:45 a.m. Melvin Frumkes, continued, “Divorce Taxation”
11:45 a.m. Melanie Straw-Boone “QDRO Tips for Lawyers to Put in Agreements and
Courts to Put in Judgments”
12:30 p.m. Adjourn
Lynne Z. Gold-Bikin, Norristown, PA, has authored numerous books in the field of Family Law and has authored and co-authored numerous articles, including The Divorce Practice Handbook, Michie, 1994; and The Divorce Trial Handbook. She was also Assistant Editor of Pennsylvania Family Lawyer, 1980-83. She has been a lecturer in law at various law schools and is an Adjunct Professor at University of Houston, School of Law.
Ms. Gold-Bikin has served on the ABA Board of Governors: she has served as an Advisor to the American Law Institute, Family Law Project; Chairperson of the American Bar Association, Family Law Section (ABA/FLS), 1994 to 1995; ABA House of Delegates, Delegate at Large, 1995 to present; Montgomery County Bar Association Board of Directors, 1992 to 1995; Chairperson of the Pennsylvania Trial Lawyers Association, Family Law Section, 1988 to 1990; Commissioner, ABA, Commission on Domestic Violence; Pennsylvania Future Commission on Justice in the 21st Century. She is on the Editorial Board of The Matrimonial Lawyer and has served on the Editorial Boards of Family Advocate, FariShare, The Practical Lawyer,
She is a fellow of American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers; International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, the American Academy of Matrimonial Law Foundation, and American College of Matrimonial Trial Lawyers.
Jonathan W. Gould, PhD, Charlotte, NC, practices forensic psychology with a specialization in issues related to family law, including child custody, and is board certified in forensic psychology by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He performs court-appointed custody evaluations and consults with attorneys and psychologists in the areas of child custody and professional ethics and standards. Dr. Gould also consults with attorneys in the areas of criminal child sexual abuse and other forms of child maltreatment.
His books include Child Custody Evaluations and Child Maltreatment, Guilford Publishers, (under review), Conducting Scientifically Crafted Child Custody Evaluations, 2nd Edition, Professional Resource Press, (in press), Clinicians in Court: A guide to subpoenas, depositions, testifying and everything else you need to know, Guilford Press, (2002), Conducting Scientifically Crafted Child Custody Evaluations, Sage Publications (1998).
Gary L. Nickelson, Ft. Worth, TX, is the president elect of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is a frequent author and lecturer for the AAML, State Bar of Texas, and other organizations.
Melvin Frumkes, Miami, Fl, is a past President of the Florida Chapter of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and is Associate Editor of the Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is past chairman of the Family Law Section of The Florida Bar. He has been on the faculty of the National Judicial College in Reno, Nevada for 18 years where he taught Divorce Taxation. He is on the Board of Editors of the Journal of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, and the Family Advocate (ABA, Family Law Section) and was a contributing Editor to Fair$hare. He is Board Certified in Marital and Family Law by The Florida Bar.
Mr. Frumkes was elected to membership in the American Law Institute in 1990 and served as a member of the Consultative Group to its project to develop Principles on the Law of Family Dissolution. He is a Diplomate of the American College of Family Trial Lawyers and a Fellow of the International Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers.
He has been listed in the Best Lawyers in America since its inception in 1983.
His book Frumkes on Divorce Taxation, James Publishing, Inc., is an indispensible resource for every family law library.
Steven Kriegshaber, Louisville, KY, is a past President of the Kentucky AAML Chapter and past Chair of the Louisville Bar Association Family Law Section. He is the author of “Representing Children in Divorce Litigation,” The Advocate, July/August 1997, and for many years was a member of the AAML Special Concerns of Children Committee.
Melanie Straw-Boone, Louisville, KY (a/k/a “QDRO Queen”), is Membership Chair of the AAML Kentucky Chapter. She is past chair of the Lousiville Bar Association Family Law Section and current chair of the LBA Pro Bono Consortium. She is a partner in the Louisville firm of Pregliasco Straw-Boone, which specializes in family law.