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« Comments To The Morning After Bio-Dads Lose Big | Main | No To Be Published Ky COA Opinions May 2, 2008 »

May 01, 2008


“She wrote that if men had parental rights in such cases, it would discourage women from straying outside of marriage.”

This is a twisted rationalization used by Justice Lizabeth Hughes Abramson to justify her attack on marriage, the family, fathers and children. Would mothers still be provided with financial incentives through additional child support to have children with more than one father? Justice Lizabeth Hughes Abramson is a family law feminist.

Marriage provides fathers with parental rights. In my opinion, the KY Supreme Court decided correctly.

For those who support parental rights and responsibilities for Mr. Rhoades, should he be eligible for a rebuttable presumption for shared parenting? Should he be able to prevent the two-parent family from relocating?

“One way to look at gender-related law is to ask yourself, “How would this decision look if the sexes were reversed?” From that angle, imagine that a married man had an affair with a single woman, who bore a child as a result. Can you possibly imagine that the Court would order the child to be taken from the hospital, given to the married father, and that the single mother would be given no parental rights to the child? Somehow, I just don’t think so.”

Children need two parents! We must have a rebuttable presumption for shared parenting for the parents of a marriage and for two unmarried parents. We also must have limits on no-fault/unilateral divorce when children are involved.

A pertinent question for the question posed above is this: are men more inclined than women to adopt a strategy of quantity (have more children with more partners) over quality (have fewer children and help raise them in a two-parent family)?

If the law wanted to encourage marriage and two-parent families, then the father in the scenario above would have inferior parental rights to the mother.

The purpose of child support must be publically debated. Currently, the law provides women with financial incentives to have children with more than one man. This could be changed.

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